Tina Minal
The themes of my work concentrate around human behaviours highlighting factors of people’s perceptions of others, how they react and engage together, emotions and connections that we share and go through in our lives. This theme excites me and comes from people watching and a deep curiosity of how we as humans function in all aspects of our lives.
I have a keen interest in things nostalgic such as a verity of equipment where I will integrate these into my works using tape decks and old sound equipment to found objects that I feel bring an edge to my artwork.
My artworks are manly installations that vary in size and where I use a mixture of mediums and processes such as: clay, video, sound, print, found objects, timber or generally anything I can get my hands on that works harmoniously within my works.
I get inspiration through extensive research focusing on human traits and behaviours and at times personal to myself. I feel the artwork I produce has a unique visual aspect to them, it is concepts that I feel a lot of people will understand and connect to.
I feel my artwork is always going to be a relevant topic in the art world as we as humans are always curious of other humans or nosy as some would say, but we are amazing and complexed with a dash of other abstractions that make us unique yet similar at the same time.